Thank you for choosing our products. We will be glad to answer your questions!
To ask a question please fill in your name and E-mail (sections marked by asterisk are obligatory).
If you have ICQ or E-mail you can also fill in these sections. Possibly we will want to get in touch with you to specify some details.
Please write down your question in the section “Question Text”.
In the section “Figures in the picture” please write down figures you see in the in the picture on the right. It is necessary for spam protection. If you cannot distinguish figures in the picture please download another picture clicking on the inscription (another picture).
Thank you for your question. We will answer you in the nearest time!
Attention! All information is moderated. Opinions with reference to delivery of the goods, competition, abstract questions, or containing obscene word are prohibited.
28 April 2010. Kulichkin Vova
Question: Hello, please inform when Sky Lantern Heart with inscriptions will appear on your website.
Vladimir, Sky Lantern Heart with inscriptions and pictures can appear in our Internet-store in the nearest months. Please follow the information on our website.
28 April 2010. Ludmila
Question: Where can I buy Sky Lantern in Ukraine? Do you have contacts of Sky Lanterns sellers in Ukraine?
Ludmila, unfortunately our company doesn’t have branches. Nobody in Ukraine sells Sky Lanterns on behalf of our company but you can become our wholesale or retail buyer! We will be glad to deliver Sky Lanterns to any place of the world!
28 April 2010. Petrovich
Question: In ICQ you promised me to write how to make Sky Lantern with my own hands! Please inform when such an article will be published.
Петровich, we will obligatory write such article in the nearest time (within a month) and will name it “How to make Sky Lantern or Sky Lantern with your own hands”. Please follow news column.
27 April 2010. Olga
Question: Hello! Do you work with Kazakhstan?
Olga, we work all over the world! We will send Sky Lanterns to Kazakhstan directly from our plants; it will allow avoiding double customs. In case of small order we will send Sky Lanterns from the Russian Federation. To specify details please get in touch with us over telephone.
27 April 2010. Farkhat
Question: I live in Astrakhan region but not in Astrakhan city itself. What should I write in the section “Locality”? What should I choose in the section “Payment” to order Sky Lanterns to Astrakhan city or Astrakhan region? How long will it take you to deliver your products to Astrakhan city from the moment of payment?
Farkhat, in the section “Locality” please indicate village, town or settlement where Sky Lanterns should be delivered. In the section “Payment” please choose method of payment acceptable for you to make payment for Sky Lanterns! Delivery is made during a week after money receipt. Then everything will depend on delivery service chosen by you!
21 April 2010. Konstantin
Question: Good afternoon. Please inform how much will it cost to deliver 100 Sky Lanterns to Sharkan village (427070), Udmurt region or to Izhevsk. Which variants of delivery are possible? Thank you.
Konstantinm delivery can be made in any form you choose. Delivery of Sky Lanterns to Sharkan is possible only by registered post of Russian Federation. Delivery of Sky Lanterns to Izhevsk is possible by various ways. Please make an order in our Wholesale Store and we well calculate cost of delivery based on your order.
21 April 2010. Vasilina
Question: Good afternoon! I have made an order in your Internet-store. Please inform how long it will take you to deliver Sky Lanterns to Orel from the moment of payment?
Vasilina, Sky Lanterns will be sent to Orel immediately after acceptance of payment. You will receive your order approximately within 20 days after acceptance of payment.
19 April 2010. Petr
Question: I’d like to buy Sky Lanterns in Yekaterinburg. Where can I find them in our city?
Petr, you can buy Sky Lanterns in Yekaterinburg from our dealer. Please refer to the insert “Our partners and dealers”, you will find there all necessary contact information.
16 April 2010. Polina
Question: Hello, I need white Sky Lanterns in shape of heart (big) with inscriptions “For the newlyweds” made by red or purple color. How long it will take to deliver the goods by registered post? I live in Astrakhan.
Polina, to buy Sky Lantern in Astrakhan you should make an order in our Internet-store. You can order an inscription in the section “Notes”. Price of individual inscription is 500 rubles. You can also apply inscriptions by your own hands: we can send you detailed description of procedure of inscription application to the Sky Lanterns after making payment for the order. Delivery time for Astrakhan depends on the type of delivery chosen by you and place of departure. Ordinary post sending will take from 5 to 20 days after payment acceptance and dispatching goods.
15 April 2010. Andrew
Question: Hello, I have a question regarding Sky Lanterns. Please inform me about prices and dimensions of Sky Lanterns – Hearts. And where can I buy Sky Lanterns in Tula?
Andrew, you can buy Sky Lanterns in Tula and order delivery at our Official Partner in Tula. You can acquaint with prices and dimensions of Sky Lanterns in our Internet-store.
13 April 2010. Anna Zhidkova
Question: Hello! Please inform if it possible to order Sky Lanterns in shape of heart in Moscow and what is the price for them? Best regards, Anna.
Anna, of course, you can buy Sky Lanterns directly in Moscow from our Official Partner. You can gat in touch with him over telephone and order delivery of Sky Lanterns in Moscow. Price of our Official Partner will be the same as the price on our website!
12 April 2010.
Question: Good afternoon!
My question is the following: can I buy a lot of 200 Lanterns as individual or I should obligatory submit legal documents?
There is no problem: you can make an order and indicate in the Notes that you want to pay Sky Lanterns as individual. Don’t forget to indicate your contact information to specify details.
12 April 2010. Аноним
Question: Добрий день!
Питання таке: чи можу я купити партію ліхтариків 200 шт як приватна особа, або необхідно обов'язково надати юр. документи?
Наталія, немає проблем: робіть замовлення, в побажаннях вкажіть, що бажаєте оплатити Небесні Ліхтарики як приватна особа. Не забудьте вказати Вашу контактну інформацію, для уточнення деталей.
9 April 2010. Anna
Question: Hello! What’s wrong with your Wholesale Store? I want to make an order of Sky Lanterns but I cannot do it :((( as there are no sections where I should indicate quantity. Please, help!!!!
Anna, all sections are on their places. Possibly you have problems with browser! Please try to order Sky Lanterns! If you don’t manage to do it please replace your browser or its settings. If nothing changes please write to our e-mail order details and all necessary information; we will formalize an order for you.
4 April 2010.
Question: Good afternoon! I like your range of goods very much and I would like to adorn our wedding by this miracle! But I have a question to you. To calculate my order I used your WHOLESALE price-list as I would like to purchase over 20 Sky Lanterns. Total amount of my order is approximately 2700 rubles without delivery to the region of Russia. I live in Kogalym city in Tyumen region. Please inform if there is any minimum amount of order. Thank you in advance for your reply!
With best regsrds, Maya Devadze!
Maya, there is no minimum amount of order. We will deliver your order to any point of the worls!
31 March 2010. Marina
Question: Good afternoon) I’d like to specify some moments regarding manual... Is it really so easy? Are there any secrets? I’d like to make surprise for my husband. But I afraid to do something wrong and spoil everything. Thanks in advance )))))))
Marina, it is very easy to launch Sky Lantern subject to observance of all items of Manual of Sky Lanterns for launching. You will succeed in it! Enjoy your family and friends!
30 March 2010. Irina Kuznetsova
Question: Yevgeniy, I’m amused by your periodical a cry from the heart but the last one especially. You contradict yourself: at first you write that “this article” (quotation) “can be given as a present, used as advertising, holiday decorations. This article is intended to create atmosphere of joy and beauty…”
Then you deny appropriateness of such an article in class of “games, toys”. Put the word “game” or “toys” in the begin of your quotation. Do you really see any disconformity? I think you confuse customers by absolutely absurd example with soap and construction materials.
If you have something to reply in essence, don’t be ashamed, do it on your website )))
Irina, thank you for your constant interest to our website! Unfortunately, Yevgeniy is not in charge of these questions now. But we will be glad to talk to you. Irina, believe us, we wish you and your company prosperity, honest competition and development. We always welcome our competitors, moreover Leaders of this business! We are very pleased that you exist; it just stimulate us to improve quality, service and develop for our clients. We would be happy to be your friend if you wish it. We pretend to nothing and we just want nobody to pretend to ours. We support fairness. Therefore we speak about it openly (replies to your questions). We are ready to any outcome if it will be fairly: if you are fated to win (trade stamp) we will lift our hands and become something like “Fire Lanterns”, “Flying Lanterns”, “Air Dirigibles” or at least “Lanterns from the Skies”. But we still call you for collaboration (exactly collaboration) in field of sale and production of the goods. We propose you to forget about our disputes: let it be as it will be. As for aimed consumer nothing will change regardless of the goods name.
With best regards and hope for understanding, company “Sky Lanterns”.
29 March 2010. Nikolay
Question: I’d like to become your partner or may be dealer of the products. What can you propose and what I should do for it.
Nikolay, please get in touch with us over telephones indicated in the insert “Contacts” or by messengers indicated there. We will answer all your questions.
26 March 2010. azamat
Question: I would like to know to know about your deliveries to Tajikistan. Or how can I purchase Sky Lanterns?
Azamat, we work all over the world! Therefore you can make an order directly to our e-mail describing quantity and name of Sky Lanterns. We will calculate the cost of delivery by the most favourable method.
18 March 2010. Nataliya
Question: We would like to purchase Sky Lanterns from you wholesale. How can we do it? What are the prices?
Nataliya, to buy Sky Lanterns wholesale please go to the insert “For the Wholesalers”. There you will be able to download price-list for Sky Lanterns. Then go to the insert “Wholesale Store”. Before making an order please read attentively Instruction for drawing up of an order. If you are interested in partner or dealer relationships, please write to our e-mail!
17 March 2010. Kapin Yuriy
Question: Please inform when Sky Lanterns – Pyramids will appear on sale?
Yuriy, Sky Lanterns – Pyramids will appear on sale approximately in one or two months. Possible, earlier. Please follow availability of the goods in our Internet-store.
14 March 2010. Olga
Question: I’d like to order Sky Lanterns – Big Heart. Please inform what the cost of delivery to Krasnoyarsk is and how long we will have to wait? Which methods of payment do you accept?
Thank you.
Olga, to make an order, please come to Internet-store and choose any Sky Lantern. Then put it into the basket and continue drawing up of the order. If you have questions please use Instruction for drawing up of an order. Cost of delivery will be at once calculated; several methods of delivery will be proposed you. Delivery time depends on delivery agency you choose. Please specify detailed information about delivery time to your city in the company in charge of delivery (for example, The Post of Russia). Usually maximum delivery time is 3.5 weeks. We accept various payment methods: you can obtain detailed information while making an order.
12 March 2010.
Question: I’m interested in small wholesale of Sky Lanterns with wedding symbols of various dimensions. I’d like you to send me photo. Thank you.
Nataly, we really make Sky Lanterns with inscriptions and various symbols. Unfortunately, now we don’t have constant items with inscriptions or wedding symbols. You can order wedding Sky Lanterns in shape of hearts or others. Minimum order of the same type of Sky Lanterns with inscriptions or pictures by order is 50 pcs. Please send to our e-mail detailed order with sketch of inscription or picture, indicate required quantity of paint colours and shape of Sky Lanterns, number of items in the order. We will calculate your order and inform you its amount.
8 March 2010. Anna
Question: What is the price for inscription on Sky Lantern?
Anna, the price of inscription applying to Sky Lantern depends on its dimension, type as well as dimension and complexity of inscription, number of colours. To give you an idea we can say that inscription on Sky Lantern – Big Heart consisting of several colours having text format will cost five hundred roubles.
8 March 2010. Rozhkova Elina
Question: Are you going to implement any new products? Sorry for immodest question :)
Elina, it’s not quite clear what you mean. If you mean new exclusive shapes of Sky Lanterns then we undoubtedly will implement them and we are constantly involved in it. Please read our News. If you mean new goods of our company then it will also gradually occur.
7 March 2010. Olga
Question: Please inform if it is possible to make by order Sky Lantern of special individual shape? I’d like to buy Sky Lantern in shape of “Olympic bear” as it was in Olympic Games in 1980 in Moscow. Height is about 100 m. If it is possible please indicate preliminary price. Thank you in advance.
Olga, we can make for you Sky Lantern in shape of “Olympic bear”. To make detailed order you should write detailed information about number of Sky Lanterns by order, their minimum dimension and submit desired model. Quantity of Sky Lanterns of individual shape, type, and colour shall be at least 100 pcs. In case of particular this order we can reduce it to 50 pcs. as we consider your idea wonderful and will be happy to implement it!
4 March 2010. Elena
Question: Please inform: if in the clause “Our partners and dealers” a person is marked as “Wholesaler”, does it mean that it is impossible to buy Sky Lanterns retail from this person (for Vladivostok)?
Elena, mark “Wholesaler” means that this representative purchases Sky Lanterns in our company on wholesale prices according to price-list and independently forms prices in his city both for wholesale and retail. As a rule, retail prices for Sky Lanterns don’t exceed our prices according to the insert “Internet-store”. It refers to Sky Lanterns not just in Vladivostok but also in other cities.
25 February 2010. Mikhail Romanenko
Question: I’d like to purchase Sky Lantern in shape of Hemp leaf :) Please inform is it possible to manufacture it by order?
Mikhail, we can manufacture by order Sky Lanterns of any shapes and dimensions! Unfortunately, their quantity should be at least 100 pcs. It will be a little expensive. But Sky Lantern in shape of Hemp leaf is very interesting idea! We will discuss it for sure and possibly it will appear in our website catalogue in the nearest time!
21 February 2010. Valeriya
Question: We plan to launch Sky Lanterns in the country cottage; there is no airport hereabout; but planes sometimes fly very high (I don’t know may be there are air corridor over our cottage). May I launch Sky Lanterns?
Valeriya, it is prohibited to launch Sky Lanterns near airports. If there is no airport I think your actions will be rightful.
18 February 2010. Sizonov Oleg
Question: We are aware that you violate trade stamp of another company for the name “Sky Lanterns”. We would like to buy in your company Sky Lanterns in very big quantity but we afraid. We want you to comment this situation publicly but not over the phone.
Oleg, thank you for your question. Yes, we really have such a problem in the market: we are under the pressure of competing company requiring closing our website and stating that we violate its trade stamp “Sky Lanterns”. But we don’t violate anybody’s trade stamp; we are honest company. The matter is that trade stamp of this company is registered in 28th class of International Classification of Goods and Services and their trade stamp “Sky Lanterns” is valid only for this class. In the meantime we don’t trade goods referring to the 28th class of International Classification of Goods and Services; therefore usage by us of the name “Sky Lanterns” is absolutely legal.
18 February 2010. Kashkar Dmitriy
Question: How can I launch Sky Lantern?
Dmitriy, detailed recommendations are indicated in the Manual for Sky Lanterns launching.
18 February 2010. Anna
Question: Are your priced indicated in roubles?
Anna, yes, wholesale and retail prices are indicated in Russian roubles.
17 February 2010. Anna
Question: Please inform what the price of one Sky Lantern is. Are there any discounts in case of order of big quantity of goods?
Anna, retail price of Sky Lanterns is indicated in the Internet-store. How to make retail order? You can read it in the Instruction for drawing up of an order. You can obtain information about wholesale orders and discounts in our Wholesale Store for sale of Sky Lanterns.
17 February 2010. Laguta Stas
Question: What should be done to become your dealer or partner for sale of Sky Lanterns? What “Official Partner” means?
Stas, all information about dealership and partnership shall be discussed by Skype, ICQ or by telephone indicated in our website in the insert “Contacts”.
15 February 2010. Kulikow Andrew
Question: How can I buy Sky Lantern retail through Internet-store?
Andrew, to buy Sky Lantern retail please make an order on our website: Instruction for drawing up of an order.
15 February 2010. Sergey
Question: How can I purchase your goods personally but not by mail?
Sergey, you should get in touch with our partner selling Sky Lanterns in Moscow.
14 February 2010. Mariya Naroliva
Question: Is allowed to use Sky Lantern by children?
Mariya, unfortunately unassisted launching of Sky Lanterns by children is prohibited! You can get more detailed information from the Manual for Sky Lanterns launching.