0 goods
for the amount 0 rur
It became very easy to make an order and to buy Sky Lanterns! Now you can do it like “one-two-three”
One: Please fill in information about your company or about yourself as private person (fields marked by asterisk are obligatory). Indicate necessary quantity of Sky Lanterns in the field “Quantity’. Please choose one or two preferable methods of delivery of Sky Lanterns. Confirm your order (press “Confirm” if data are true or “To return to editing” if you need to change your order).
Two: After receiving your order we will issue invoice for payment for Sky Lanterns. You are kindly requested to pay the order as soon as possible and inform us about it.
Three: After payment acceptance we will send the goods to you and inform you identification number of sending.
ATTENTION: The cost of your wholesale order of Sky Lanterns will be automatically calculated based on total quantity of ordered goods according to our wholesale price-list! Calculator will take into account everything necessity. After calculation of the cost it will be included into the invoice for payment of Sky Lanterns issued by us.