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For wholesale purchasers we place our price-list renewed every month. Downloading our price-list you can acquaint yourself with our prices for Sky Lanterns. You can buy Sky Lanterns wholesale in our wholesale store. Order form for Sky Lanterns is simplified; now all wholesale orders are accepted through the wholesale store.
To buy Sky Lanterns wholesale you should fill in goods quantity and personal data in the Sky Lanterns Wholesale Store. Please pay your attention to the manual! Read it attentively! All prices and their calculation are made automatically according to the price-list. We will inform you if all Sky Lanterns are available and then we will send you invoice for payment. It is very profitable to buy our products wholesale: you can purchase Sky Lanterns at the price from 55 rubles per 1 piece! For big wholesale purchasers we can propose the best prices in Russia and CIS and excellent conditions of collaboration!
Please specify availability of Sky Lanterns by e-mail or through the insert “Contacts”. All available items are marked in the insert of the Internet-store. Please specify quantity of Sky Lanterns according to the certain item.
Foreign clients also can buy Sky Lanterns wholesale! We carry out international economic activities; therefore we will be happy to execute your order!
Please be informed that after becoming our Official Partner of Dealer you will obtain not only the lowest prices for Sky Lanterns (according to the price-list) but also additional bonuses. To find out details you can call us or send a letter toe-mail: (to view address turn on JavaScript)
Attention! Minimum wholesale order is from 250 (two hundred fifty) pcs; for dealers and partners – 1000 (one thousand) pcs.